How to detect the most serious skin cancer. melanoma – Masderm Cosmética Go directly to content

How to detect the most serious skin cancer. melanoma

Dermatologist Dr. Gemma Márquez

I am Dr. Gemma Márquez specialized in General Dermatology, Surgical Dermatology, Cutaneous Oncology, Allergy, Pediatric Dermatology, Cosmetic and Therapeutic Laser Dermatology with more than 10 years of experience with patients. Member of the Catalan Society of Dermatology and Spanish Society of Dermatology (AEDV)

Dermatologist Dr. Sebastián Podlipnik

My name is Sebastián Podlipnik, specialized in dermatology and doctor of medicine from the University of Barcelona. I currently work at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona where I specialize in the early detection and treatment of skin cancer. Additionally, I work at the Dermatological Diagnosis clinic in the skin cancer, laser and aesthetics unit.

¿What is Melanoma By Dr. Gemma Márquezz

Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer.
Is An annual check-up visit with your dermatologist is recommended. to check moles, but in people with a family history of melanoma or who have suffered numerous sunburns, a more frequent check is my recommendation.

I recommend you to examine your skin periodically in a well-lit room, in front of the mirror and using a hand mirror to examine areas that are difficult to see. You should mainly check the areas most exposed to the sun, that is: face, head, neck, hands, etc.

On the other hand, did you know that the sun is responsible for 80% of skin wrinkles? If you want to know more, click a HERE

ABCDE The golden rule

The exercise that I propose is that you learn to differentiate between a spot, a freckle and a melanoma following the ABCDE rule. When a spot or mole meets all or most of the indicators that I explained to you, it is likely that we are facing a melanoma and you should go to your dermatologist.go

A for Asymmetry

The shape of the spot or mole is not regular

B for Edge

The edges are jagged, uneven and blurry

C for Color

The color is not homogeneous and may have brown, black, pink or bluish areas.

D for Diameter

The size can vary between 3 and 12 millimeters. In the photograph I am attaching one of approximately 12 millimeters so you can get an idea of ​​what a black wart looks like.

E for Evolution

You should observe if the mole changes size, shape, or black color over time.

The difference between melanoma and age spots

It is important to differentiate melanoma from age spots, also called solar lentigines, which are very common in adults over 50 years of age. They are small dark areas on the skin. .

Their size varies and they normally appear in the areas most exposed to the sun: the face, hands, shoulders and arms. Age spots do not comply with the ABCDE rule

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the world. By Dr. Sebastián Podlipnik

But the good news is that If we detect it in time it can be completely curable.

If you have many nevi or also known as moles, you should check them periodically to check that they do not change shape, color or texture. On the front of your body it is easier for you because you can control it directly. However, there are other areas that will be more difficult for you to review, such as the back, the neck or the thighs.

In this case you can ask a family member for help to carry out this review or even with a mirror. However, the best solution is to go to your trusted dermatologist for a professional and complete examination.

Now I'm going to tell you some of the methods that dermatologists use specialized in this area to carry out a good follow-up of our patients' moles, and rule out skin cancer or recognize it and begin treating it.

To keep track of moles, dermatologists use digital tools to recognize moles and see their evolution from one visit to another.

Are digital tracking tools, They allow us to see in a totally objective way the evolution of each of the freckles or moles that we review at each visit. This way we ensure that if there has been any change invisible to the naked eye, we can detect them using this technology and make decisions quickly and early. Sometimes, millimetric changes in the nevi can give us clues to be able to detect skin cancer early and offer curative treatment.

And as dermatologists always say, good skin protection is essential every day of the year, and make an annual visit to your trusted dermatologist.

6 tips to take care of your skin when exposed to the sun

  1. Avoid sun exposure during central hours of the day Between 12 in the morning and four in the afternoon, the sun's rays are stronger and more damaging.
  2. Use sunscreens that protect you against UVA, UVB, IR-A and HVE radiation Depending on your phenotype, you should apply a sunscreen with a different protection factor, but I recommend that it be at least 30. Apply it half an hour before exposing yourself to the sun and reapply it every two hours and after bathing. The new sunscreen Masderm Sunmas 50+ It is an excellent option to protect you from sunlight and blue light, in addition to having natural ingredients that promote the protection of your skin. If you want to know more about the importance of good sun protection, click HERE
  3. Outdoor attention. Solar radiation is reflected 80% in snow, 25% in sand and 10% in water or grass. That is, they increase the effects of solar radiation on your skin. You should also keep in mind that with height (as in the mountains) radiation increases.
  4. Protect children from the sun. I do not recommend exposing children under three years of age to direct sun and, in the hours of lower sun incidence, protect them with a high factor and frequently renew its application. Their skin is still very delicate and the damage caused by the sun could remain for the rest of their lives.
  5. Take care of your skin after sun exposure. Apply a product with soothing and regenerating principles such as Masderm Triphasic Facial Serum, Helps the skin to rebalance the effects of solar radiation and Trimas Antiaging Cream to regenerate your skin.


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