How to mark cheekbones. Facial exercises to prevent sagging cheeks – Masderm Cosmética Go directly to content

How to mark cheekbones. Facial exercises to prevent sagging cheeks

Over the years, one of the parts of the face that loses flaccidity more quickly are the cheekbones that define the features of the face, which inevitably causes us to lose the desired tone, as well as the appearance of wrinkles between the eyes and on each side of the face. nose.

¿You have 3 minutes a day in front of the mirror. Next, I will detail some cheekbone facial exercises that dermatologists recommend to avoid this blissful flaccidity of the cheeks, and if possible to mark the cheekbones naturally::
  • SMILE EXERCISE . In front of the mirror, smile in a very exaggerated way for 10-15 seconds and then rest for 1 minute, gently massaging your cheeks with your fingers. Do this exercise 5 times in a row.
  • APNEA EXERCISE. Take a breath for 10 seconds, puffing out your cheeks. Release the air and rest for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  • EXERCISE OF PRESSURE. Breathe out through your mouth, take a breath in through your nose, puffing out your cheeks as much as possible, closing your mouth, and move your tongue from the right to the left side in an agile way for about 10 seconds. Then breathe out again and repeat this exercise 5 times.
  • BREATH EXERCISE . Inhale air through your nose slowly and with your mouth closed while your cheeks swell for a few seconds. When you have the feeling of maximum swelling, breathe out very slowly and without closing your eyes. Do this exercise 5 more times.

Also discover all the advantages of theFacial Radiofrequency at home

You can do these exercises from home and if you spend only 3 minutes each day, you will see optimal results in a short period of time. Thus, with these facial exercises for cheekbones and facial exercises for flaccidity, you will be able to better see how the cheekbones are marked.

Furthermore, if once you have completed these exercises you apply theTriphasic Facial Serum giving you a gentle massage in the exercised facial area from top to bottom, the result will be much better!!

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