Stretch marks and adolescence:How to prevent them? – Masderm Cosmética Go directly to content

Stretch marks and adolescence:How to prevent them?

Dr. Anna Estapé. Pediatrician

My name is Anna Estapé, I am a mother at heart and a pediatrician by vocation.

I accompany families in the growth of their little ones and take care of the most valuable thing in their lives, the health of their children, with care and without haste.

¿stretch marks in adolescence?

The appearance of stretch marks at different stages of our life is very frequent. Many times we associate it exclusively with pregnancy or obese people, but it is also very common for them to appear during adolescence.

In addition, its appearance usually causes a great aesthetic discomfort, which in this age of great transformation, is even more accentuated.

¿How are stretch marks?

Initially, the red stretch marks. They are linear, red or purplish lesions that are noticeable to the touch and have a different texture from the surrounding skin. Sometimes they can sting a bit. Over time they lighten and fade, evolving into white stretch marks. These are usually less visible.

¿Why do stretch marks appear??

The location is variable, although it usually appears on the buttocks and lower back in boys and on the buttocks, thighs and breasts in girls

The specific cause is unknownAlthough we know that there are several factors that predispose them to appear, such as genetics or obesity. There are different theories that try to explain the formation of stretch marks: a mechanical stretching of the skin, hormonal changes or an innate alteration of the skin's structure.

In the context of adolescence we have two of these factors involved, rapid growth and hormonal changes. This sudden stretching of the body produces a distension of the skin and causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin, which are the elastic fibers that support our skin.

¿What treatment can I follow?

Hills important is undoubtedly the prevention. I recommend all boys and girls approaching adolescence to get into the habit of moisturizing their skin.

There are multiple treatments: topical, laser treatments, chemical peels and microdermabrasion, light therapies... think that the stretch marks are still scars on the skin, so the treatment is a challenge for dermatologists.

For prevent and moisturize stretch marks during adolescence, a good option is to apply the Body Radiofrequency Treatment at home

My advice to avoid the appearance of stretch marks

  • Maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
  • Get in the habit of moisturizing your skin daily from before the puberty growth spurt. My recommendation would be to start at the latest around 10 years of age for girls and around 12 years of age for boys. If your skin is hydrated, it will be more elastic and when that sudden stretching of the skin occurs, it will not be so easy for it to break.
  • Moisturize the skin at least once a day, better if there are two, ideally after a bath or shower.
  • Make a gentle massage with the product. This will make the hydration more effective.
  • Emphasize especially the buttocks and lower back in boys and the thighs, breasts and buttocks in girls.

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