How to prevent, treat and eliminate cellulite – Masderm Cosmética Go directly to content

How to prevent, treat and eliminate cellulite

Dr. Isabel Pérez Zarazaga

I am the Dr. Isabel Pérez Zarazaga , dermatologist with more than 10 years of experience. I care for my patients at IDERMA Instituto Universitario Dexeus

After my training in Spain, the United States and Portugal, I have specialized in: Botulinum Toxin (Botox), Laser for scars, Dermatological Surgery, Acne, Alopecia

Most of my female patients ask me the following question: “Dr, what do you recommend to reduce cellulite??” And it is that in general we are concerned about our aesthetics and feeling comfortable with our skin. The much-feared cellulite makes us uncomfortable many times and even embarrasses us that it is noticeable and visible. Before telling you the most important concepts of this skin pathology, I want to calm you down and tell you that 98% of women in the world suffer from cellulite, and therefore we do not have to be ashamed at all!

Next, I am going to tell you all the information that may surely interest you about the so-called orange peel:”:

¿What is cellulite?

Cellulite occurs in the hypodermis, that is, the deepest layer of the skin, which is where most of the cells are. Among them adipocytes, those in charge of storing fat to cushion external impacts and maintain body temperature. But when these wear out and the fat does not balance in harmony, it is when the cells increase in size and push the skin, creating those bumps that we later call orange peel..

¿And why do adipocytes stop working properly?? Well, due to poor circulation, largely genetics, the malfunction and poor activation of hormones and the sedentary rhythm of life in which diet and exercise are key factors.

¿When does cellulite appear??

It usually begins to form during puberty and between 85 and 98% of women have some degree of cellulite, while in men it is exceptional.

It affects women more than men
Women naturally have 27% more body fat than men and also have 5 times larger adipocytes, causing more interstitial fluid retention and hindering microcirculation in the area. Affects thin and overweight women

This disorder in the accumulation of fat can appear both in overweight women and in thin people, since it is not related to eating disorders such as obesity. The problem that causes cellulite is a malfunction of adipocytes (cells responsible for storing fat) not the amount of body fat.

¿Causes of cellulite?

Cellulite is formed due to hormonal overproduction that causes fat cells to stop working properly. These cells are not able to perform their drainage function properly, so they become inflamed, enlarged, and stiff.

The causes that can produce this hormonal overproduction are:

  • Hormonal changes natural in the woman, for example puberty or pregnancy.
  • take some hormone artificial like estrogen.
  • Carry one sedentary life.
  • feeding with high salt index
  • Use tight clothes

Cellulite Degrees

  • Cellulite Grade I: The skin looks smooth and even when you are standing or lying down and no orange peel appears when you pinch it.
  • Cellulite Grade II : The skin continues to have a smooth and uniform appearance, but when pinching it or contracting the muscles, the orange peel appears.
  • Cellulite Grade III : The nodules are visible without the need to pinch the skin.
  • Cellulite Grade IV: More palpable, visible and painful nodules.

6 Habits to prevent and reduce cellulite

1. Drink more water
Drinking between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day is recommended to combat fluid retention and promote drainage. It is important to reduce the consumption of soft drinks and those that contain sugar in their composition

2. Maintain a healthy diet
A complete and balanced diet is essential to keep the body free of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and toxins that can otherwise be stored. I recommend the consumption of foods that contain fiber and water, for example pineapple

3. Do not wear tight clothing and high heels
The main problem with wearing tight clothing and high heels all the time is that it hinders venous return. Therefore, I recommend wearing clothes that are not excessively tight to the body and alternating heels with low shoes, more comfortable

4. Perform cold water baths
Cold water can stimulate blood circulation and improve skin elasticity, together with a massage it can help facilitate lymphatic drainage, although without being decisive for its disappearance. And although he is very lazy, especially in winter, he finishes the shower with a good stream of cold water, insisting on the area with cellulite.

5. No smoking
According to a study published in 2016 by the Eastern Journal of Medicine, smokers are more likely to experience loss of elasticity and the presence of cellulite on the skin of the lower part of the body.

6. Practice exercise
A constant and planned exercise routine is possibly the best way to prevent and combat cellulite. Exercise allows you to work on the specific affected areas and show off a much healthier body. I advise you to walk a lot, squat, and climb stairs. In this link you can see a recommended exercise routine to reduce cellulite.

Foods to avoid cellulite

  1. Water : It is essential to eliminate toxins and eliminate the accumulation of fat. Although it may seem contradictory, not drinking enough water can promote fluid retention. It is advisable to drink water with each meal and avoid sugary or carbonated drinks, as well as drinks that dehydrate such as alcohol and coffee.
  2. Fruit : Fruits that are rich in potassium, such as bananas, promote circulation and prevent fluid retention. Fruits like strawberries are antioxidants and therefore anti-cellulite. Pineapple is rich in fiber and favors the elimination of liquids
  3. Legumes : Proteins, such as legumes, favor muscle instead of fat.
  4. Vegetables : Vegetables such as pumpkin, asparagus and carrots contain bioflavonoids, very important to avoid 'orange peel'.
  5. infusions : Green tea, red fruits or lemon are laxatives and diuretics that promote purification.

Exercises to eliminate cellulite

Specialist doctors recommend exercises to combat cellulite throughout the year. We encourage you to dedicate 20 minutes of your time each day to the following routine that, in addition to improving your physical appearance, will help you disconnect from daily stress and improve your mood.

Pol Julian, who isGraduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (CAFE), as well as personal trainer of the Club Deportivo Artós in Barcelona, he has prepared these exercises for us so that you can improve the gluteus area both at the muscular level, definition and softness on the skin.

Tips to get the best results

  • For 20 minutes, try to do as many rounds as possible, taking into account that a round with the 6 exercises in a row

  • Remember to warm up before and stretch after each session.

  • You need to perform this routine at least 3 times a week to notice that it starts to be effective

  • We also remind you of the importance of drinking a minimum of 2 liters of water every day and avoiding foods rich in fat and salt

Exercise routine to keep cellulite under control

Complete your anti-cellulite routine

From Masderm we have developed the complete treatment to eliminate cellulite combining radiofrequency and application of specific products.

The radio frequency deviceRF Body Device produces deep heating that affects the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which applied with the cream RF Body Slim eliminate cellulite.

Clinical studies indicate that patients can lose approximately 1 to 3 cm in a single session and improve the quality and appearance of the skin.

¿Do you want to know more about body radiofrequency? We have a specific blog for you to solve all your doubts inn body radiofrequency at home Do not miss it!


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