How to firm up your arms – Masderm Cosmética Go directly to content

How to firm up your arms

On occasion, we have mentioned flabby arms. Even the Dr. Mercedes Saenz de Santamaria, a doctor specializing in aesthetic medicine, explained to us briefly but in very good words what body sagging was (you can find the video on our Instagram!).

So in this blog, we will focus on the flabby arms.

Over the years it is normal for our body to change and that is reflected in our skin. The decrease in elastin and collagen accelerates aging And although it may not seem like it, the arm area cannot escape this phenomenon either.

It should be noted that there are other factors that intervene and accelerate the loss of firmness in the tissues, such as sudden weight loss or genetics.

The skin on the inside of the arms begins to fall, causing what we know as bat wings. but in most cases, it can be solved without undergoing surgery.

So, here are some recommendations that will help you prevent and reduce laxity in this area.

Treatments for flabby arms

There are factors that we cannot control, everyone ages and it is normal, but we can work on some others.

There are many aesthetic treatments that help maintain the natural firmness of the skin. And a non-invasive and painless example is body radiofrequency at home, this helps regenerate collagen and elastin allowing our skin to have that firm appearance naturally, and also helps reduce cellulite so it also improves the appearance if it has that uncomfortable lumpy or rough texture.

There are also other treatments such as tension threads to help lift or surgeries, although this method is invasive and is only used in cases of excessive sagging that cannot be resolved with other alternatives.

Exercises for flabby arms or bat wings

There are all kinds of exercises you can do to help firm your arms. Additionally, perform a little physical routine Not only will it help you tone your arms but it will activate your body, improving blood circulation and improving your entire appearance.

¡So here are some recommendations so you can start practicing now!

Exercises without accessories

These exercises can be performed without any type of accessory, simply and comfortably at home, you can even sit down. Make your own routine by forming the combinations that best suit you and doing the repetitions you need, for example, repeat each exercise 10 times and repeat them all 3 times. It won't take you more than 15 minutes a day and you'll be grateful!

  1. Place your fists approximately at chest height and raise your elbows. Lower and raise your elbows, slightly clenching your fists to exert force.
  2. Stretch your arms as far as you can to the sides. Then raise your elbows at the height of your ribs, that is, flex them until they touch your torso.
  3. Now, instead of having them stretched out, bend your elbows forming an L and raise them by joining your hands above your head, like a triangle.
  4. Place your palms in front of your face, with your elbows slightly raised, at shoulder height. Raise one arm and then the other

Exercises with accessories

If you want to give your routine a little more intensity, you can add some accessories, such as using weights, to enhance the exercise even more. Use the weight that is most comfortable for you, and if you don't have weights don't worry, you can use water bottles or something similar.

  1. We place our arms in an L shape, open and close, without lowering our elbows!
  2. Place your elbows bent and your wrists facing towards you, exercise your biceps without moving your elbows.
  3. Stretch your arms, bend your elbows and lower yourself, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
  4. To strengthen your triceps, keep your elbows close to your body and stretch your arms back, then forward.

¿Firming creams help firm flabby arms?

The answer is that they do help, obviously they are not a miracle and with just one application they will not help much, but their continued use will.

A good one firming cream It must contain active ingredients that help tone the skin, and also hydrate, giving it a healthier appearance. So if we combine a firming cream with a small massage and we add a small routine to our daily life, we will see a significant improvement in the arms.

If you also want to get the most out of it, you can combine a firming cream that is conductive with a radio frequency device body that will make the results show much sooner!


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