Eye contour:A good treatment is the best anti-aging. – Masderm Cosmética Go directly to content

Eye contour:A good treatment is the best anti-aging.

Dr. Cristina García Millán, Dermatologist

I am an exclusive member of the Pedro Jaén Dermatology Group, not collaborating with other entities and performing the work of Coordinator of the Group's Pediatric Dermatology Unit as well as Coordinator of the Atopic Dermatitis School

As a dermatologist, one of the most common concerns in my practice is how to improve the area around the eyes. All skins grow old but that does not mean by any means that they get sick, but rather that they evolve.

¿Why the skin around the eyes ages before?

It is important to value each dermis as it is and accept these changes it undergoes, although it is also possible to repair some accumulated damage and delay the signs of skin aging. There is internal factors such as genetics that influence their aging, but above all the external factors such as pollution, sun exposure, an unbalanced diet... will determine the speed at which the skin ages. This translates into the appearance of spots, wrinkles, lack of luminosity, flaccidity and especially in very sensitive areas such as the skin near the eyes, which is very thin and sensitive where the first wrinkles and signs of aging usually appear.o.

¿What is the eye contour used for??

Apart from applying every day a facial serum To reverse the signs of skin aging, it is important to bear in mind that the eye contour area needs an even more powerful defense due to the characteristics of the skin type. We have to take into account that it is extremely fine and elastic; it is ten times thinner than that of the rest of the body. Therefore, the skin around the eyes is much more sensitive than that of other facial areas and more prone to the appearance of wrinkles (known as crow's feet), dark circles and bags. A good eye contour must be effective to decongest this delicate area, reduce expression lines, reduce wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles and unify skin tone.

¿The eye contour is only for mature skin.?

From the age of 30 It is when these signs of aging begin to appear; As a dermatologist, I always recommend applying a specific product to care for and treat this delicate area of ​​the face with a specific treatment for it, from when these first wrinkles begin to be noticed; therefore, young skin should start applying it, as they will see their wrinkles, first bags and dark circles improve.

¿How the perfect eye contour should be?

The ideal eye contour should have a fast penetrating ability, rich in hydration and nutrition factors and ideally contain active ingredients with a firming and anti-wrinkle effect to provide more support fibers to this fine dermis.

¿How to correctly apply the eye contour?

First of all make sure that the skin is clean. Then apply a few drops of the eye contour to the area to be treated with a few small taps with your ring finger from the tear duct to the side, both in the lower part of the eye (dark circles) and in the upper part (eyelids) to reactivate blood circulation. Make sure the product is inserted correctly. Products that have a pipette and have a cream texture are very comfortable to apply.

What you will notice with a good eye contour is the improvement of the skin texture by improving its hydration and texture, reduction of dark circles and puffiness, reduction of wrinkles and blemishes, and uniformity of the complexion color.

Some tricks

A trick that I recommend to my patients is to take advantage of the part of the product that remains on your fingers once applied around the eye area, to apply it to the wrinkles around the corners and the upper part of the lips, as well as to the wrinkles around the eyes. forehead.

In addition, to enhance the effectiveness of facial skin care, add a facial serum and a moisturizing cream to your routine if your signs of aging are already more marked.

Masderm Trims Eye Contour

From Masderm we present the new eye contour Trimas Eye Contour; first and only decongestant repairer for the eye contour 92.5% natural with probiotics and microspheres with an optical effect, which effectively treats this delicate area of ​​the face by stimulating the skin's microcirculation.

¿What is our eye contour for??

The main benefits on the skin around your eyes are:

  1. Minimize bags and dark circles.
  2. Attenuate small wrinkles and marks of fatigue.
  3. Short and long-term Proaging action thanks to its natural ingredients that contain anti-aging and moisturizing active ingredients, favoring the elimination of lipids and toxins that accumulate in the periocular area.

The best eye contour for mature skin and to prevent first wrinkles

the eye contour Trims Eye Contour It is suitable for all skin types. For those women with mature skin who want to reduce the signs of aging such as wrinkles, bags and dark circles in a natural and healthy way. In addition, those women who want to are already beginning to notice the first wrinkles, bags and dark circles under their eyes around their eyes, and they want to prevent their appearance.

How and when it is applied correctly

applies morning and night a small amount on the previously cleansed eye contour area, spreading it with a few light touches. As it is in a pipette format and with a solid texture, we recommend applying it directly to the area to be treated with a gentle massage to ensure proper penetration.

The texture of the eye contour Trims Eye Contour It is light, soft and easily penetrated. In less than a minute it is absorbed into the skin around the eye contour, providing a feeling of smooth and illuminated skin. The smell is practically imperceptible.

Combine Triphasic Facial Serum and Trims Eye Contour

The perfect combination to treat the signs of aging around the eyes is the application of the contour to the area to be treated and the Triphasic Facial Serum with very rapid absorption. Being our outline Trims Eye Contour In cream presentation, it can be applied before or after the serum. We recommend the serum first as the absorption is very fast.

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