Clarifying doubts about acne – Masderm Cosmética Go directly to content

Clarifying doubts about acne

Dr. Laura Calomardes Rees. dermatologist

I'm Dr. Laura Calomarde Rees, a dermatologist.

I trained at the Valencian Institute of Oncology Foundation in Valencia and I currently practice my profession at Rees Clinic (follow us on Instagram @Reesclinic) in Gandía. In addition, I also work at the San Francesc de Borja Hospital, in the same town.

Types of acne that I see in my office

Most of the patients I see suffer acne daily, a pathology that on many occasions not only affects the state of our skin, but can also affect the psychological level, altering the quality of life of our patients.

Acne is not only a pathology of adolescents, it is also seen in adulthood. It affects about 15-20% of women and 2-3% of men.

The objective of this blog is to get a little closer to this skin pathology in a pleasant, easy and fast way, which, although very prevalent, can be treated by improving the quality of life of the person who suffers from it.

¡So stay 2 minutes reading and I hope you find this approach to acne very interesting, which I will explain to you by answering the most common questions my patients ask me!

¿why do i have acne?

You must first be aware that acne affects about 80% of adolescents and 20-30% of women between 25 and 40 years!.

¡Therefore, do not worry because it is not unusual, on the contrary!

Acne appears because the body suffers throughout life hormonal changes, but the fact that it can be considered a physiological change in adolescents does not mean that it is not treated, since acne, as we have already mentioned, can affect them psychologically, and can leave marks and scars.s.

So what causes my acne?é?

Usually it is caused by hormonal changes due to an imbalance in androgens (male hormones).

For this reason it is more common in young people who are in the process of hormonal change, either during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy in women. However, other factors that can influence the appearance of acne are stress, genetics, poor diet, sedentary life and even unsuitable cosmetic products for your skin

So I encourage you to review your eating habits, exercise routines and consult your trusted dermatologist to make sure that your facial care routines are correct for your skin type!

¿and how it is produced?

Acne appears due to the increase in the size and function of the sebaceous gland produced by hormonal changes, and this leads to excess fat on the skin. Added to this is the presence of bacteria that are created when the pores of our skin become clogged (what we dermatologists know as a comedone) and cannot breathe properly and, therefore, become infected.n.

¿What advice should I follow to take good care of my acne-prone skin??

Remember that one of the keys to the success of your treatment is consistency.

Next, I will detail the ABCs to treat skin with acne:

1. The Facial Cleansing It's fundamental. I recommend cleaning the skin with a massage with neutral soap or a specific soap for oily skin or soap for acne.

2. exfoliate 2 times a week.

3. Apply the ideal treatment for your skin type. I recommend products with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, topical retinoids, topical antibiotics A good option is masderrm sebimas acne cream, since it provides excellent results in a short time thanks to its natural ingredients and formulation.

Doctor, what treatment do you recommend for my acne?é?

I like to remember that each skin is different and that each patient deserves a personalized treatment. Think that adolescent acne is not the same as the acne of a 20-year-old girl or a 35-year-old pregnant woman. So your dermatologist will be the professional who will best indicate your treatment.

For mild acne, we usually prescribe topical treatments. For severe, resistant acne, I may prescribe oral antibiotics or isotretinoin.

What I don't like at all is that my skin shines so much

Your skin shines (especially in adolescence) because it is oily skin due to androgen hormones. At puberty, there is an excessive secretion of sebum, and for this reason you have a brighter and greasy sensation.

But it is an absolutely normal consequence during growth. You can use anti-shine wipes throughout the day and wash your face 2 times a day

¿And these black dots that I have on my nose are acne?

Yes, it is one of the types of acne. Dermatologists divide acne into two types: retentional and inflammatory.

A) Retentional = clogged pores (comedones). These are blackheads (open comedones).

More frequent in the facial T zone; forehead, nose and chin.

B) Inflammatory = Granite. It is the famous pimple and it is normally a red and raised lesion with a white center.

It is the type of acne that tends to bother young people and adults the most.

I hate these red pimples on my face

When the bacteria are growing, inflammatory substances are released that dilate the blood vessels that cause the red marks so typical of acne.

I advise you not to handle them (don't touch the pimples), since you can cause more marks and scars and that you use sunscreen, so that those red marks do not become pigmented (that is, they give rise to brown spots).

I'm worried about my acne, they look like cysts

If you have highly inflamed lesions, surely you suffer from severe acne, which is known as nodular or cystic acne. In this case it is highly recommended that you go to your dermatologist for the correct treatment, which in most cases requires oral treatment.

I have dark spots, what is it due to?e?

I have already explained to you that the skin becomes inflamed as a result of these bacteria that cause the appearance of acne. Now, once the acne breakout is over, you should protect your skin from the sun at all costs, because if you don't, dark spots may appear in that area due to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Every day with a sunscreen and prevent dark spots from remaining!

I'm dying to squeeze my pimples... NEVER! I am very aware of the temptation to empty that bothersome pimple in the middle of the face. But think that if you do, you will only worsen the inflammation, making the possibility of a scar being very high. Please control yourself!e!

Myths about acne

Now that you know a little more about how acne occurs and its treatment, I don't want to end this blog without telling you about the 5 myths I hear every day in my clinic. So here I go!!

¿I can make up?

Yes of course, but do it with products No comedogenic And above all, do not stop removing your makeup before going to bed so that your pores can breathe. Even if you are very lazy, ¡Your skin will thank you!

Chocolate and sausage promote acne

It is true that there is no scientific evidence to prove that sausage or chocolate cause acne. It does appear that dairy or high glycemic (high sugar) foods can make it worse as can foods with saturated fat.

The sun is great for acne

TRUE, but be careful with the time of sun exposure, so in any case protect yourself beforehand with a good sunscreen with SPF 50+.

If I pinch my pimples nothing happens

Fake. is the worst solution, since they can still infect more and leave a mark. So don't be tempted!!

It is not necessary to clean the skin before my treatment

Fake. A good facial cleansing routine is essential before your treatment, because the pores must be clean and open to receive the treatment and maximize its effectiveness.

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