RF Eye Device - Masderm Cosmética
RF Eye Device - Masderm Cosmética
RF Eye Device - Masderm Cosmética
RF Eye Device - Masderm Cosmética
RF Eye Device - Masderm Cosmética
RF Eye Device - Masderm Cosmética
RF Eye Device - Masderm Cosmética
RF Eye Device - Masderm Cosmética
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RF Eye Device

body radiofrequency device
34 reviews
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The skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive and we must take care of it to try to delay the appearance of wrinkles, bags and dark circles.

The RF Face Device is a multifunction device that combines different forms of energy:Radio Frequency (RF) Currents, Led Light of different colors (violet, blue, red and green), Stimulation Currents (EMS) and High Frequency Mechanical Vibration

Using our device properly you will see improvement in the eye area in:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging and bags
  • Dark circles and lack of lighting
  • Other specific areas such as between the eyebrows, upper lip, nasolabial area
      Cómo aplicar

      The specific uses are:reduction of localized fat, improvement of cellulite, attenuation of stretch marks and improvement of blood circulation. 1. Before using it for the first time, you must charge the device. 2. Apply RF Body Slim cream to reduce cellulite and localized fat. Do not let it be absorbed to ensure that the device circulates correctly. 3. Apply it to the area to be treated:buttocks, abdomen or legs. 4. Attention, do not use it on areas such as the face, head, neck, or feet 5. It is advisable to apply the treatment with the device 3 times a week, maximum 10 minutes each time. Ideally every other day and preferably never before sun exposure. The rest of the days that you do not apply the treatment with the device, apply the corresponding product manually.


      Nuestro dispositivo para el contorno de ojos de radiofrecuencia te ayuda a regenerar el colágeno de tu propia piel para conseguir resultados duraderos y a que los principios activos del contorno de ojos RF Eyemas penetren en profundidad para notar los resultados más rápido.


      Nuestro Dispositivo Contorno de ojos ha sido testado dermatológicamente junto con nuestro contorno de ojos RF Eyemas a través de un ensayo clínico monitorizado por el dermatólogo Emili Masferrer durante 28 días con diferentes mujeres de entre 49 y 55 años que presentan flacidez, bolsas, ojeras y arrugas en el contorno del ojo.

      De forma general, el 93% recomendaría y compraría el contorno de ojos y el 87% recomendaría y compraría el dispositivo. El 87% de las voluntarias consideran que han mejorado en firmeza. El 73% considera que ha mejorado el aspecto de las arrugas y el 73% afirma que el tratamiento mejora el aspecto general de las ojeras/contorno del ojo.

      Sin duda, se trata de una combinación muy potente que ayuda a reducir las patas de gallo y realzar la mirada ¡Y estos resultados han sido valorados en tan solo 28 días así que puedes mejorarlos si eres constante!


      Formación de colágeno

      La radiofrecuencia promueve la formación de nuevas cadenas de colágeno y de elastina para que tu piel vuelva a recuperar la firmeza.

      Penetración de principios activos

      Ayuda a que los principios activos penetren directamente hacia la dermis, aportando a tu piel lo esencial para mejorar en aspecto y salud.


      En el caso de realizar un tratamiento de radiofrecuencia en casa, te permite ahorrar costes, tiempo y te aporta la comodidad de usar este tratamiento en casa


      Green light

      Improves the firmness of the skin in those areas where we have excess skin or it begins to sag.

      Lilac Light

      Reduces cellulite in different areas of the body:buttocks and legs.

      Blue light

      Helps reduce fat that accumulates in different parts of the body:arms, abdomen, legs, back, waist and hips.

      Red light

      RF firms the skin, softens the area, promoting blood circulation around the contour, thus improving its firmness and elasticity. Firmer skin and fewer wrinkles.


      "Las arrugas se ven mucho menos."

      *Estudio realizado a 20 voluntarias durante 28 días (entre 49-55 años)

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 34 reviews
      Mariola Gascon
      RF Eye device

      A mi me preocupa mucho la
      Zona del contorno de ojos. Y el aparato para esta zona es el complemento perfecto para alisar, reafirmar y que el ojo se vea mas abierto con mas luz y ademas elimina las pequeñas arrúguitas.
      Yo soy muy constante facial, y ahora también con el aparato de contorno de ojos muchísimo.

      Josefina Amat

      Calidad precio y cantidad.

      isabel giralt coll


      Montserrat Bou Gual
      Me gusta mucho

      Me encanta este dispositivo. El masaje es agradable y solo hace un mes que lo tengo pero pienso que funciona y atenúa las arrugas del contorno de ojos. Creo que si lo sigo usando notaré mucha diferencia.

      How to use the machine?

      First clean the skin of the body well and make sure that it is clean and dry (remember that this device cannot be applied to the face, head, neck or foot area). Next, apply the corresponding cream in sufficient quantity in the area to be treated. For example, if you want to improve cellulite, use Body Slim and if you want to improve firmness, use Body Firming. The movements are circular. Once the device is turned off, finish massaging for the total penetration of the cream into your skin. In the case of wanting to combine both creams, the ideal is that one week you work on cellulite, and the other on flaccidity. Although also remember that since there is a maximum of 30 minutes on the body (10 minutes in each different area), you can do, for example, 10 minutes on the right buttock with the Body Slim for cellulite, 10 minutes on the left buttock with the Body Slim for cellulite, and 10 minutes with Body Firming to treat flaccid abdomen. And we tell you a trick; If you still want to further enhance the effectiveness of the treatment, one of the days that you are going to use the device, perform a body exfoliation (we recommend our Body Scrubmas). Then apply our firming cream on your face and device now and the results will surprise you.


      Mejora en la firmeza del contorno de ojos


      Mejora en el aspecto general de la ojera


      Mejora en la reducción de arrugas

      *Estudio realizado a 20 voluntarias durante 28 días (entre 49-55 años)

      "Cremas para iluminar el rostro y combatir la flacidez si tienes entre 40 y 60 años"

      "Mejor tratamiento de radiofrecuencia facial en casa"

      "Cremas para mejorar la flacidez si tienes entre 40 y 60 años"

      "Este sérum trifásico que recomiendan los dermatólogos triunfa entre las famosas"






      102,80€ (total tratamiento dispositivo y crema)


      Dependiendo la clínica 300-350€ (por sesión)

      Depende de la cantidad de hilos 500€-1200€(por aplicación sesión)


      Días alternos en RF y resto de funciones cada día (descanso 3 semanas año)

      +6 sesiones/año

      Entre 2-3 sesiones

      Entre 1-2 sesiones


      102,80€ una vez





      El dispositivo Masderm dura toda la vida

      Repetir anualmente

      Repetir anualmente

      Repetir anualmente


      Why does it combine 3 functions?

      Our device is high-tech and has won several international awards. It has been proven that these three functions together increase the effectiveness of the device on the skin and with our professional creams the results are very optimal to reduce fat and improve the figure.

      How often do I apply it?

      It is advisable 3 times a week, maximum 10 minutes each time and on alternate days. Never before sun exposure. The rest of the week apply the cream manually. First apply the cream you want to use in the specific area with clean and dry skin. Before it is absorbed, please start using the machine so that it can slide properly. Once the treatment is finished, you can finish massaging manually.

      What are the contraindications?

      In principle, if used correctly, it has no side effects on the skin. However, if your skin is very sensitive, you may suffer from some type of inflammation or redness in the first applications in the treated area. For this reason, we recommend using the device at low intensity in the first applications. It is not advisable to apply the RF Face Device in the following cases:1. Pregnancy and lactation. 2. Patients with severe heart disease. 3. Coagulation disorders. 4. Connective tissue diseases. 5. Patients with neuromuscular diseases. 6. People with cancer. 7. Patients with metal prostheses, pacemakers, defibrillators, etc. 8. Morbid obesity

      What are the technical characteristics?

      Input voltage:AC100-240V Output voltage:DC12V2A Power:24W Weight:222g Size:114x90x100mm Box size:195x150x90

      Rf eye device technical features

      Product name: RF Eye Device
      Product model: ES-1101
      Charging voltage/current: 5V/ 1A
      Rated power: 2.5W
      Charging time: 3 hours
      Standard compliance: GB 4706.1-2005 GB4706.15-2008
      Duration of operation: The device turns itself off automatically after 10 minutes. The device applies very low voltage voltages (approximately 12V), which generates imperceptible currents that do not cause any discomfort to the user.

      Along with the Eye Contour Radiofrequency Device, you receive a complete instruction book, a cleaning wipe, and a cable with two outlets. One to connect it to the device and another to connect it to an applicator that must be connected to the power.

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